What to Expect From Me and The Unfolding Coaching Program
Coaching is not a ‘one size fits all’. As your coach, my first priority is listening in a way that you know you are being heard. I try to follow the practice of “Deep Listening” as taught by Thich Nhat Hanh which is ‘to allow someone to empty their heart so they suffer less.” Tell me your story. From here we can create a strategy that fits your needs and leads to less suffering and deeper joy.
Identify and understand your enneagram type and how it shows up in your life - the healthy attributes as well as those that may be creating barriers to growth and interpersonal relationships.
Define your core values. Uncover and release attachment to limiting beliefs.
Create new patterns that will lead to more self-compassion and awareness of your own and other people’s patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.
Move from feeling powerless to embracing the strength of your Enneagram type, allowing it serve you, not define you.
Where Do I Start?

Identifying your Enneagram type gives you a point of reference from which to begin. You've heard it before, but it's true....you can't get to where you want to go if you don't know where you are. Thus, you'll hear the Enneagram referred to as a map. Learning your type is like putting a pin on the map....
"You are here." ​
What's Next?

“The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego,
the second half is going inward and letting go of it.”
Carl Jung
The Release comes only when we can observe and identify what's no longer serving us. Behaviors and defenses that may have been exactly what we needed in our earlier stages of life could be the very things that are now impeding our growth. Once we know, we can let go.
How can we let it go if we aren’t sure what ‘it’ is?
The answer is in the quote by Jung…we must go inward, look beyond the physical body and the complexity of the personality we use to support our identification with it. We are not our type, we are not our success stories nor our failures, we are not the roles we play. We are so much more...just waiting to unfold. ​​
Allow me to introduce myself