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Thoughts for growth and awareness in mind, body, and heart.

Denée King
Aug 11, 20233 min read
Free Flowing and Forgiving
“The fact is always obvious much too late, but the most singular difference between happiness and joy is that happiness is a solid and...

Denée King
Aug 6, 20234 min read
Mental Sherbert
I needed a break from my own mind, a mental palate cleanse, if you will. Like sorbet eaten between courses of a meal to clean the greases...

Denée King
Jul 31, 20232 min read
Passing the torch
I can’t pass the torch you’re so eager to carry This fire burns fervent, dear child. In untamed hands it consumes and destroys Too fierce...

Denée King
Jun 23, 20234 min read
Enneagram Fixations, Grief and The roller-coaster
In the aftermath of a tragedy or event that shakes us to our core, we often say we experience a “roller-coaster of emotions.” But perhaps...

Denée King
May 30, 20238 min read
The Deceitfulness of Good- Why your passion is a big fat liar!
Deception has been around since the beginning of time. In the biblical narrative, in the book of Genesis, it says…”When the woman saw...

Denée King
Sep 12, 20224 min read
Don't let life be a 'should' show
I should have accomplished so much more by this time in my life. I should be able to fit into the jeans I wore in college. I should have...

Denée King
Aug 11, 20225 min read
Why Climb?
Don’t get me wrong…I love nature and exercise but I like it to be fun…like frisbee or tennis or anything that isn’t torture! I do like...

Denée King
Nov 18, 20211 min read
Lost in thought
Was I lost in thought…planning for all the important tasks that I think are mine? Did I reach for the stars and lose my footing on solid...

Denée King
Feb 15, 202110 min read
No One Gives a Damn About The enneagram
No one gives a damn about the enneagram. There, I said it. But you know there's more to this abrupt statement so hang with me. Don't stop...
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